
While Jen is away, the minkees do play!

Is it time for parent teacher conferences?  No, those are in two weeks.  Has there been volleyball and football games after school?  No?  Must be a lot of parent meetings.  Yes, that's it.  Too bad for her.  She looks busy when she gets home.  We think she needs more naps!   

She's gone, we play!!!!!

Well, in her absence, we decided to play with the new lanterns Jen got to hang out on the sunporch for the next time they host game night.  We have to play with them now because we aren't allowed to play out there when company is over.  Unless its N, but he's in Morocco for a while, so I guess that won't be happening any time soon.

It is more fun staying inside anyway.  Who wants to play heroclix or zombies?!?  We get shut in the bedroom with full access to the sock drawer!!!

Hope they have company soon!

By the way, make sure to stop by on Friday for Candid Carrie's Fx4.  There won't be a picture of us this week, but the elusive N who met our uncle in Morocco.  He looks like a nice fella!



I think the minkees are very cute in the cool...er hot lanterns.


Oh my dear minkees, when I saw the first picture I thought you had fallen in the potties. I'm so glad you're alright.

Mama Dawg

You minkees get into so much. You guys must have a blast EVERY DAY living with Jen.

Rosemary Q

I think they should change their names to Stunt Monkees:-)

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