
Getting Ready for New Years Eve!

Most of you may not know this but New Years Eve is a monkeys favorite holiday. It takes several days to accurately prepare for the evening festivities. This year we are taking it to the extreme monkey style!

Preparation 1: Don a wide variety of socks. This is like a spa treatment to a monkey! We are getting relaxed and ready for Thursday night.
Preparation 2: Find some funny ears. These were just lying around in Jen's work bag. I hear they used to be 'stress balls' for her students. I just cut into them and put them on my ears. I don't know what she is thinking, I feel stress free!

Preparation 4: (yes this is out of order on purpose) Mosey up in the comfy chair wearing a pair of unders to keep us warm.
Preparation 3: Put our own unders on and get ready to party like a rock star.

If things go well, we may be wearing those unders on our heads. Let the festivities begin!!!!


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