
Book Club

Greetings all. For one of our new years resolutions we decided we needed to become more scholarly and read more. So we are starting a book club.We decided to start the year off with the riveting story about Sir Fartsalot and his hunt for the booger. It is 200+ pages of fun filled adventures!
Being best minkee buds we like to read together. Sometimes we take turns reading paragraphs aloud together, sometimes we read on our own.
It is nice to sit and quietly reflect on the text. We are up to chapter 3 so far today. There are knights, a king and queen, a prince, a dragon and so many more characters. Sir Fartsalot is Guillermo's favorite character. Can you see the gassy fumes coming off of him!?!?! Go figure!
We can't wait to get to the climax of the story and see what this scene depicts. It looks self explanatory, but we bet it is more complex than it seems.
Happy reading! Hope you join in the book club spirit and read more in the new year like your favorite minkee buddies!

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